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The Voices Yet to be Heard

Thoughts From My Pen

  THROUGHOUT the day I scribble my thoughts down.  Sometimes in a notebook or any handy piece of paper.  When I get home it gets tossed on my desk.  I'm an early morning riser and come 4:30 AM I usually sort through all the bits and pieces of thoughts, filing them in Word program files.  Even as the hurried scribbles are pecked on the keyboard, a second editing occurs.  A sentence may turn into a paragraph.
  After this it's dropped into a previously begun idea, which has developed into a chapter.  Over the many years these chapters have grown into books. I have only self-publish one of these endeavors as a book of poems, SNOW'S SCRIBBLES. The seven other books I am working on have had their titles changed throughout the years.

   THESE are the following working titles for the books I am currently working on:

Modern fantasy; the archaeological discovery of the Book of Thryiel.

The Complex of Oddities
Anthology of short stories: mystery, murder and cultic discoveries.

SNOW: The History of a Surname
Genealogical research on the descendants of William Snowe, my ancestor. 

BOB L. SNOW: A Biography of a Seeker
The story of my father and public showcase of his oil paintings.

The Pagans of Scripture
A Pagan/Christian historical resource study on The Bible.

Cure Crisis
A whistle-blower science-fiction thriller.



 SCROLL ART for sale.
The Fallen Kings

 The Mystic Priests

The Original Cloth Map

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THE WATCHER'S LEGACY is the re-entitled title of my "epic book".  I want to call it a novel but it's not quiet that The Watcher's Book of Books is just that, a collection of various book:

I.  The Book of Requiems
II.  The Book of Names
III.  The Book of Tales
IV.  The Book of Judges
V.  The Book of Kings
VI.  The Book of Priests
VII.  The Book of Prophets
VIII.  The Book of Thereafters


3D art

Here are some examples of 3D cut-out and layered art work that I have done.



