Thoughts From My Pen
THROUGHOUT the day I scribble my thoughts down. Sometimes in a notebook or any handy piece of paper. When I get home it gets tossed on my desk. I'm an early morning riser and come 4:30 AM I usually sort through all the bits and pieces of thoughts, filing them in Word program files. Even as the hurried scribbles are pecked on the keyboard, a second editing occurs. A sentence may turn into a paragraph.
After this it's dropped into a previously begun idea, which has developed into a chapter. Over the many years these chapters have grown into books. I have only self-publish one of these endeavors as a book of poems, SNOW'S SCRIBBLES. The seven other books I am working on have had their titles changed throughout the years.
After this it's dropped into a previously begun idea, which has developed into a chapter. Over the many years these chapters have grown into books. I have only self-publish one of these endeavors as a book of poems, SNOW'S SCRIBBLES. The seven other books I am working on have had their titles changed throughout the years.
THESE are the following working titles for the books I am currently working on:
Modern fantasy; the archaeological discovery of the Book of Thryiel.
SNOW: The History of a Surname
Genealogical research on the descendants of William Snowe, my ancestor.
Genealogical research on the descendants of William Snowe, my ancestor.
BOB L. SNOW: A Biography of a Seeker
The story of my father and public showcase of his oil paintings.
The story of my father and public showcase of his oil paintings.
Cure Crisis
A whistle-blower science-fiction thriller.
A whistle-blower science-fiction thriller.