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Balthenorn asked Lenarah, “Pray wife, tell me of how your world began, for my own people have many things of their own to say. Yet I would love all the more to hear of you and these people I now live among.”
She smiled and indulged his inquiry as they had begun to walk along hand in hand. “The One sat alone in his thoughts and from which was manifested the very Holy Ones themselves. Like the many shimmering facets of a priceless gem were they indeed the countless aspects of The One’s own being. From those reflections of Eru, the Vala returned his song of reverence. The themes that followed rose and fell like a thunderous echo, bringing forth all that shall ever be, filling that timeless void with his person in all times present.”
Then at length, she and her husband arrived before a spacious grand, white-pillared Hall. Lenarah gestured to it, adding, “Its books are laid bare my husband for all those who would desire such continued enlightenment.”
He stood in spellbound awe. Thereafter, that temple of learning became Balthnorn's second home. From his unquenched joy, Balthenorn became known as the "stranger who knew more than any other throughout the realm about their history and of their God". For it was in the brevity of that man’s single lifespan spent among those elves that saw a brief renewal of such matters.
Yet, that was 500 years ago, before the change brought upon the world after the Great Departure of the elves, for the Undying Lands beyond the western sea. Balthenorn seeded, in the heart of some, what would later be a fruit, be rekindled in the very Watchtower he built, which blazed a New Light on the fallen world that remained behind.

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