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One year, after her father’s passing, as the young maiden returned from homage to the temple in Lindol, Naylon was brutally beaten and raped by ruffians along the way. Upon recovering from being waylaid, Naylon shared what was done to her with all those she met as she ventured back to Sinjar. But none aided in her recovery, though they looked upon her with pity they too feared the same fate. When word arrived at her brothers they were outraged at such treatment done against their most beloved younger sister. Each of them vowed revenge on their own or together upon Naylon’s behalf.
The seven brothers set out from Mithar on the north road to Elosh, for the Oasis between those two cities. For they all gathered with Naylon their sister in search of those who had violated her. Coming near to the largest of the three pools of the desert cracks, and seeing the Bedouins gathered outside their tents, Naylon whispered to Navon her brother, that these were indeed the men.
Seeing only one woman among the approaching group of men, the leader called out to them, “How much would you give for such a thing as this woman here?”
The brothers gave no answer as they drew closer. The leader then boldly shouted, “I would gladly surrender my bejeweled dagger. I had her once before and she would be well worth a second go, my friend.” The men had been drinking and were all agreeing with taking her by force.
Though the seven brothers were outnumbered, as there were twenty-one Bedouins; they disguised their anger with laughter. Navon, the eldest brother countered with, “Let us play a drinking game, with the last man standing winning her as the grand prize instead!”
To this, they all agreed with laughter and food. But unknown to the tent dwellers of the oasis, the youngest brother, Bellojon added a sleeping herb to all their strong drinks. As the laughter, food, and wine continued soon the Bedouins were fast asleep. When the last of them was down, the brothers made quick work of tying them up like boars over a spit for cooking. The following morning all twenty-one of the ruffians woke up cursing and screaming upon finding they were naked and tied up.
The brothers remained silent as the captive men cooked beneath the desert heat. At the noon hour, Naylon rose from her slumber in the cool of one of the tents. Without a word to any of them, Naylon castrated each man, but watched him bleed out and die before she went to the next one. Her brothers stood beside her as she did this. When she came to the last man who raped her, he hoarsely whispered, “I am Rodoth, son of Baeroth and I swear that I alone loved you. I tried to save you from such wicked men as these I found myself among.”
Without looking at her brothers and never taking her eyes from him she denounced his lies, “You were the first to thrust yourself inside me, encourage, and then praised the others for doing the same.” Naylon spat upon Rodoth and with great ease cut off his parts and shoved them into his screaming mouth. Along with her silent brothers, she watched the last of her violators perish by bleeding out. Afterward, Naylon said to her eldest brother, Navon, “Only God himself shall forgive them for I never shall.” Not for the men, but for the loss of their sister’s joy the brothers called the place “Sorrow”. Thereafter was it ever called The Oasis of Orid, (meaning the pools of sorrow).
Leaving their homes behind all brothers all returned to Sinjar and each one, their wives and children took care of Naylon like she was a queen until she passed away fourteen years later.
Leaving their homes behind all brothers all returned to Sinjar and each one, their wives and children took care of Naylon like she was a queen until she passed away fourteen years later.
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