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What appeared as confused and bitter revenge misplaced and easily rebuffed was instead the very hand of Eru Illuvatar in his full, unseen power! For he wiped aside what could have been a formidable force, utterly laying to waste his sleeping children. Awake! Arise! Oh, you slumbering daughters of Men to the unseen hand of Eru, and unheard by ears the song blaring within your hearts calling you to heed him. Just as the One-Eru has appointed your King, to be as a ship’s rudder, and lead his people to glory; so too has He anointed His High Priest like the wind-filled sail to guide and encourage the bereft and weary to great heights. Heed that call you children of Lindol in the north and you of Mithlond in the south, do not go astray either. Hear the second chores meant for the hearts of men alone! For elves of Middle-Earth have fled for their Undying Lands to serve their lesser gods, the Vala. But now is the Age of Man come now is the call of Eru, He that Creator of the Vala themselves, there is none greater than Illuvatar!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
There is a secret flame, most imperishable and ignited only from the essence of Eru Himself, not devised nor understood even by the heavenly host of Vala. Animating the heart of Men by His Creator, Illuvatar - The One and Always! For only Eru can unquench that which he alone forged of Himself! Circumstances of sorrow or bliss are like the fleeting moments of dew’s happiness. Yet is there a true joy, well-grounded in Eru alone, that which no man can ever steal away, even if allowed ever so briefly in torment shall Eru’s Light, well up inside as strength unforeseen in the depth of utter darkness. Be of good cheer and despair not you frail-minded daughters of Men. For indeed you are Remembered - Mithar! Follow and gather together as one you Remembered People - Mithar of Eru. You are chosen from among the middle land of Eriduah to rejoice in the truth, now awaken in your time. COME! Embrace the deeper things yet to be unfolded of a more accurate knowledge He reveals to His obedient - Sons of God!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
In the vast agelessness before even time itself there alone was Eru, The One and Always! Eru-Illuvatar alone. He sang, and from that immense song, did manifest the Vala, they who were the very aspects of his person. The Vala sang that which they were and back unto Eru, of their echo they, in turn, manifested Arda’s world and its entirety. The first children of Arda were the elves who later abandoned their treasured place in Arda, and then the second-born came into their own. Instead of revering the Vala they rightfully worshiped Eru alone, Gifter of the Flame of truth. The Men of Mithar are the Keepers of Eru’s truth.
Eru, Vala and Arda; The All. Yet in the last days upon the world following the Great Departure do Men now begin their days in the Fourth Age of Arda. We are the Remembered - Mithar, of Eru. Of this grand Song you have heard before in the eldest of Scrolls long kept by your fathers and those elders of even the Elves but did not understand, come and gather at Mithar, and the truth there shall be unsheathed and taught to your aching hearts, Oh daughters of Men!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
In the fourth age of the coming of Men, new chores of Eru’s song manifested true joy awakened in the hearts of his children. To them, who were brave enough in courage to heed its call deep within Eru gifted them the right to be called The Sons of God! Oh, listen you wayward one of Eriduah to this new understanding of the most ancient, discarded scrolls left dusty in Lindol’s stone vault. Even as a babe matures, so too is the understanding of a child into Manhood and is awakened from his slumbering thoughts of selfishness and grief’s sorrow. Arise you called to be Chosen unto a new truth that you indeed matter in the wide world of things; for the King leads his people to victory, the High Priest encourages the weary and Eru emboldens His own! Gather unto the city of Mithlond, that gray haven renamed Mithar! For the Remembered are awake in Eru!
-Silas, The Quill of Eru
The Mithar, The Remembered by Eru, you who follow His calling in the depths of your heart’s true Flame. Eru blessed the Mithar, His remembered, and out of all the wandering lost of Eriduah’s wilderness He did gather them unto Himself. Yet, mixed in among the Chosen, do the Lost remain like weeds in a wondrous garden needing to be plucked and removed! Unto you, Mitharians, who gather in that house once called Mithlond, be not ashamed to share the light within you. Though even unfolding even as the light gets brighter and brighter from daybreak to high noon’s gather market, so is the progression of His Word! So too, the more a plant takes in treasured water shall it grow in the dawn’s warmth. Gather unto the Tower of Strong Friends; for at Varlendur shall the Sons of God find Eru’s truth.
-Silas, The Quill of Eru
The Song of Eru was the raised voice that manifested the godly Vala, yet even they were not knowledgeable of its second theme; that which plucked the heartstrings of Man’s purpose. Men alone and their place, and the meaning of their doom escaped the understanding of the Vala. Worship not the Vala but rever Eru alone you Sons of God who resides in the city of Mithar, who within Varlendur’s strong tower find the meaning of His truth. Eru sang, and in the hearts of Men it echoed his love and purpose; those who responded became the Remembered, kept in the palm of His hand. The King's gift is victory during war, just as the Priest shares encouragement, but Eru alone restores the heart from sorrow’s depths. The Song of Eru was the calling forth of Men to hear His voice and awaken to their purpose in heeding His call unto the Order for instruction and guidance is a Light unto one’s feet in the dark of night. Blessed be the Tower of Eru!
-Silas, The Quill of Eru
Hear now! You who gather at the base of Varlendur, you who enter that Sacred Tower to worship Eru, The One and Always; because He touched your cold hearts with love and purpose! The Word of Eru, unto the gathered in the realm of Eriduah, has chosen weak to be the Sons of God, birthed from the foolish daughters of Men. For that indeed is what the blind and deaf and unknowing chat about, behind your backs in their circles, about you who gather at Mithar.
Yet, you who alone learn the Secret Tongue of Sinquinto shall fully understand the purpose of Eru’s Second theme, that which was even unknown to the Vala. Come and learn, you wayward fellows in your camel tents and desert ways, do grow beyond your misgivings and Pagan ways of Haradrim’s Eastlands. Eru alone is who called you from those war-torn lands to feast and partake of His spiritual food. Seek out the city of Mithar and its sacred Tower Varlendur!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
Eru Illuvatar, Creator of the Vala, and all they sang into being; even that Dark One who distorted their work for his own jealous motives, were still aspects of The One’s purpose, unknown to all others. Eru’s thoughts were not known to the various aspects of Eru’s manifested thoughts. Likewise, is the truth of that message revealed to Men, for men are slow creatures in understanding His unfolding expression.
Those of the Pagan Nasilian people have traditions of worshiping the created rather than the Creator Himself. The Nasil are no different than the Lindolians in that respect of revering their created idols of the Vala so eagerly sold in the markets for coin and motives. Those immigrants beyond the walls of Mithar, gathered in their Slavathian tents they do worship the creatures of obscurity, such as the octopus, horned toad, and Cicada; for they believe the three voice the word of Eru. Eru does not manifest Himself, yet only the Mithar Anointed discloses His truth to Men today!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
Wrong is wrong and shall it be denounced ever in more detail by the Anointed of Eru! For, The One has a place among the frail Men of Eriduah His mouthpiece to speak the truth of understanding against the incorrect teachings of those who are misled, namely those who worship the Vala or created things.
For the naked form of a woman, cast in solid gold and called upon to summon the Goddess Yevalanna - is an affront abomination to Eru! Yevalanna is not a created idol and she refutes worship back to The One, to whom even she bows. Likewise, the Nasil should have a corrected view of The One and Always instead of superstition and the manipulated agendas of Men. Only the Mitharians may hold the truth which they alone are the mouthpiece of Eru unto the world!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
The truth is this, Eru declares to His people, and they unto the world even unto Eriduah: Uruk, Sinjar even unto Ipstha and Kathos! The voice of Er has been made known by The Anointed Mithar - The Remembered of The One! His Chosen elite shall teach to the eager, as students willing to grow in their learning. Accepting the truth like spiritual food in due season. Some fruits do not arise out of season but for a brief time, likewise, is truth progressively given over to the accepting of growth as children and their understanding. For Men do not fully understand the mind of Eru; yet, only shall His Chosen dispense in the right time. Come! Oh, you daughters of Men, come and fulfill your thirst for accurate knowledge in due season. In the Tower of Strong Friends, Varlendur is that symbol before Men like a shaft of light burning through storm clouds to offer a way out of the darkness. The truth of Eru’s Mitharians is free and eagerly offered to the weary willing to be a slave to The One!
--Silas, The Quill of Eru
The Book of Tales: "The Forgivers"
"My Lord King, the people still await the arrival of the Kubael," his counselor whispered in return.
Näahdaw heard the escalation in Vendumar's tone.
"Kubael - is a Forgiver, sire," Näahdaw's voice was low and calm. He continued, "Lord, you must not forget that these Bedouins have given up much in their compliance to your crown. Yet are they staunch in their unmoving belief in this unwavering custom."
Vendumar remained perplexed, "Pray, and what custom is this that I must now be made to submit to?"
"Sire, your wife, our Queen is and was first and foremost a Nasilian, and a 'Cicadite most faithful'." A stern smile came over the Counselor's face, "You saw both the gold and copper coins placed over her Ladyship's eyes? They are for more than closing them; they are paying for services rendered by the Kubael. The flatbread dripped with three drops of the Queen's blood, that was placed atop her bosom was to absorb her -- sin, Sire. For all eternity she will be forgotten and annihilated to be unremembered. Yet, it is the voluntary task of the Kubael to accept the fate of being unremembered and eternally banished, until summoned for this task of forgiving the Queen's sin."
"A sin-eater? What is this superstitious rubbish, in our time and age," Vendumar blurted aloud!
"One that in time my lord you may devise a way out of, but as for today without his services the people are content in themselves to allow your wife to rot where she now lays," this Näahdaw did not whisper as all eyes fell on the King in validation.
Vendumar's sigh and slumping shoulders showed his resignation to allow the ceremony to continue.
The murmuring and mourning sobs all fell silent as the rear of the crowds began parting a pathway to the raised dais of the Queen Nalawë. A stranger had entered into their midst. He was dressed, from head to bare feet, all in black; his robe's high, oversized hood was draped back. The man's face was half concealed by the masking of the hood's removal. Only his darkened outlined eyes were seen. The figure's face, slicked-back hair, hands, and bare feet were caked in a cracking white paint. The Kubael smelt unbathed and looked like Death personified.
The strange figure approached the Queen's body and slowly removed the coins with both hands, slipping them soundlessly into previously unnoticed outer pockets. Then, taking the flatbread, he tore it in half and ate it until fully consumed, then turned back and left as eerily as he had entered. A breath later all the sounds of whaling cries continued as before.
Vendumar looked utterly spent emotionally, a changed figure from that moment onward.
One of the most feared creatures of the ancient world was the red dragon. Nearly forgotten tales have them from the northern ice lands; yet, older rumors say their origins lay in the Far East. They were monstrous creatures. Enormous, beast-like lizards sworn to have had wings brutish enough to stir up a hurricane! Even their angry voices could bellow forth fires that devasted the whole countryside for miles around. Many other witnesses recounted that such demons would use their whipping tails to slay vast armies with ease.
The last of those fabled worms have long ago been lost, only to be relegated to the campfire pastime or children's bedtime stories. Truth or imagination; all that has survived of dragons today are the fanciful things that spawned wonderment for eager listeners. Among them was the adventure of Moran the Mitharian.
He was a young man from the Bay city of Mithar who had wandered east, deep in thought of all his troubles. Aimlessly he happened to find himself on the outer edges of the haunted woods called Kinderval. In truth, Moran had not desired to meander so far from home but rather had intended to venture to the Gardens beyond Mithar's wall. Even so, he allowed his thoughts and feet to follow a dry streambed, that soon trickled into a watery creek. The quiet stream grew into a wide river watering the forest around him. His heavy thoughts seem lifted with the sweet smell of lavender near a clearing. The clearing slopped down into a secluded bank when the young man sat, leaning his back against the raised mound. Dragonflies skimmed the water's edge. Sitting there Moran took in the view of the leaning willows and calm river's slow-drift. His thoughts begged as to why the woods were called haunted. So calm and serene were his surroundings the boy almost fell asleep. With his worries gone, he felt it was time to return to the bustle of the real world. Suddenly a loud crunching noise startled him to his feet. Moran whirled looking about.
His eyes searched between the many tree trunks and the lush bed of the fern they grew from; trying hard to discern the sound which broke the woodland silence. Moran cautiously stepped about the mound. Standing on the other side of the velvet hillock the sound came even louder. He tried to identify what it was. This time, it was like the crackling of floating embers above a campfire. But there was no smoke or dying fireplace to be seen. Again the chipping sound came to the wander's ear. Then, a few steps on his left in a dirt cleft lay a huge bluish-tinted egg. It moved with earnestness to free whatever inside had begun to shed scales from its shell.
For a long, while he watched the Saphire egg trimmer and the creature inside struggled to hatch. When a huge yellow eye stopped its roving and caught sight of the stranger staring back through the pecked-out opening, the egg shimmered and stopped all its efforts. Fearful of what might come next the boy could only stare back at the unmoving oval. Finally, the young man gathered the courage to risk a shaking hand. Reaching out, he gasped at the touch. It had become a cold, solid thing. The dragon-hatchling, which had only moments before so desperately strove to release itself, had suddenly turned into stone!
Moran had discovered the last Dragon's egg. This was the very one, which many years afterward would be the rare treasure for a King's demanded ransom, but that tale remains for another to share.
Dragon's egg,
The Long Hike,
In the unwalled tent village of Slavath there was a Nasilian man named Galadairus who lived off of the kindness of people’s giving. He would bury their dead and take upon himself their sin in exchange for food. Galadairus was only known by the people at such trying times of great sorrow; for he remained the forgotten thin man, who sat on the road that led to the city. When the Sin-eating Preacher spoke he was always respectfully listened to by passerby’s who gathered crowds to heed his rare wisdoms.
On one such occasion there stood two men in a loud, heated argument over the new policies of the Mitharian King. For it was in those days when Lord Nuthcorlan had demanded stricter taxes levied upon the realm of Eriduah. Galadairus spoke up, silencing the two men with, “There shall come one from the desert of Orid who will strike fear even in the stone heart of that arrogant King. All your concerns will fall at his feet, and even the crown will be made to heed the words of that Prophet. But I tell you now, he will be but the forerunner of more to follow with even stronger admonishments. Even we here are not alone in kneeling before the demands of truth and accountability. High are the standards of the Divine King we shall all kneel before one day.”
At this one of the men who had been arguing said, “Sir, how is it even possible that you come to know these things?”
“Ask instead, how is it that you do not know such things?” Then Galadairus turned aside and walked back to where he had been sitting on the roadside, looking the other way.
There came a time, again in the tent village of Slavath, when a young girl had lost her grandmother to death and asked the preacher Galadairus what had become of her in the afterlife. Being seated he began to answer the crying child, but as a crowd had begun to gather, he stood and addressed them as well. Galadairus said, “In dreams, little one, you may find both the living and the dead together. They are viewed as the same; for the dead are not seen as specters of smoke but as they were once known. For in death, we are in the realm of the Divine, and are also in all times present, known by the Divine who created the concept of time and death.
But as for the dead they know nothing beyond their life’s closing experience, and the continuance of the living is no longer their care.
Death is the single path which all Men must pass along, and the only door which is shared by all. Through it lies the Realm of the Dead. The dead know nothing beyond their life’s experience, and those whom they have left behind retain only the faintest of their shared experiences, for no one life is known to everyone but to the dead themselves alone.
Nine are the vast labyrinth levels in that realm, and eight gates there are to the only Bridge of Finality. It spans the gulf of Loss. None but the righteous only may pass, as the wicked are halted. Beyond that guarded bridge of the Dead are three doors, free-standing and only after entering are their judgements pronounced.
Through one, the wicked who elude the Guardian find themselves reentering the realm of the Dead and this memory intact. Through one door, beyond the great bridge is the free-standing door known only to he that enters; absorbed into the brilliance of the true Light! Others in that Light who were once known in life care now only to know the Light. Through one of the standing doors, the third unnumbered the dead may pass. On its other side the Bridge Guardian offers the bowl of forgetfulness upon reincarnation. Reborn back into the realm of the living at the moment of their departure with no recall of their journey, if perchance such is eluded none shall recall them and their view changed only to die again, for such is the glorious doom of men.”
Out in the audience, listening to the Preacher of Slavath was a young couple newlywed and madly in love. They embraced one another throughout Galadairus’ sermon, but the young bride became saddened by all the talk of death and separation.
Seeing the welling tears in her eyes the young husband, Marsol took his bride’s face in his hands, saying, “I will love you throughout all eternity, and never forget you.” Then with a beaming smile added, “If, perchance I am allotted to choose that third door, I will spend a lifetime in search of you.” Then taking her right hand said, “You will know without doubt it is me, by his name and this kiss.”
Now, as is the cruelty that life plays at times, three days later the young husband was thrown from his horse frightened by a crossing serpent. Minshana, his bride bitterly wept over his loss, vowing before everyone on the day of his burial never to marry again.
As the years are prone to do, one season followed the other in rapid session until Minshana came into her sixtieth year. On the very day of her only husband’s death a man sat beside her as she drew water from the Square’s main well.
“Stranger,” she asked, “would you care for a cool drink? From the looks of you dusted sandals; surly your travels have been long and difficult.”
He nodded with an endearing smile. But as the older woman reached for the pale to draw more water just for him, the man slowly took her hand and kissed it, saying, “As Galadairus is my witness, I have always loved you Minshana for it is indeed I. I chose the third door and have returned to you.”
They embraced tearfully for a long while, then crying she whispered, “I spent a lifetime loving you always without fail, Marsol knowing your search would find me.”
. . . . . . . . . . .
This work endeavors to illustrate the causes of the biblical flood, while utilizing the vast world stage of J. R. R. Tolkien’s Legendarium and draws upon various personal experiences of having been negatively influenced by highly controlling religious groups. The era before the infamous Noahic Deluge is referred to as the Antediluvian period, globally characterized as being corrupt, and violent though no example of these adjectives are on display for the readers of the canonical text.
The events that are dramatized in my work of such behaviors were planted ages ago by two evil Dark Lords, who ravaged both the physical world and its inhabitants, and later erupted into a humanity that exploits its worst characteristics upon one another. In the wake of the Great War’s ending a remnant of the Elves, who declined the call to leave Middle Earth, become the sole self-appointed teachers of ‘the old ways’ to lesser Men. From their small community, which stayed at the Gray Havens, a cultic society quickly blossomed with ambitions of wider conquests.
Not only are the Eastern populations striving to heal from the devastations of war, but many are also venturing westward in hopes of creating better lives for themselves, only to be manipulated by a people once held in high regard for their ancient wisdom and longevity. It is from such complex threads of anthologies that a chaotic world tapestry is woven, and from which a hero emerges to stand apart, demanding truth and accountability from his peers and leadership.
Herein lies the very struggle and hope of any would-be survivor beyond the cataclysmic doom long prophesied to befall the world. Yet, it was one of the daughters-in-law of Noah, the lone descendant of that elven hero who secretly carried with her through the flood, what proved to be the only record of that wicked NEPHILIM AGE.
"Casting Off The Old World"
. . . . . . . . . .
She replied, “I understand, husband. But it also contains the record of my family and my people.”
Then Yapheth admonished her with a grave warning, “There are no buts, woman! Do as I have instructed you, for our father’s wrath shall be quick to disown, shun, and curse our entire house for seven generations, all because I allowed you to keep such a thing. Do you not realize that the Almighty himself washed away everything from the Nephilim Age? Not even my grandfather was spared from the purge of its wickedness.”
“I shall my lord,” then Adata’nese added, “On the morrow that we have vacated the ark. I will make an excuse to go out alone and search the land for a place fitting its disposal. I remember well the violence of the people, Yapheth, and the seriousness of your command.”
“I desire not to be harsh with you, my love,” he smiled, “Rest now. Shem says land is well in sight, and soon a new tomorrow begins.”
It came to pass, seven days after the ark landed atop a great mountain’s shelf, that Father Nocah, his wife, their three sons, and their wives opened the great door of the ship and released the beasts of every kind among them. Long had they befriended even the wildest of creatures, and when the last was gone did Noach’s face look towards the heavens, “Hear now, we alone of all mankind have survived the purging of the old world’s wickedness, and now shall these creatures henceforth be estranged and fearful of us. Take care in your dealings with them my family.”
True to her word, on the morning after the craft was emptied of its cargo, Adata’nese rose early and excused herself. Following the family’s meal she left the ark, for they had yet to find lodgings elsewhere, and went alone, even a good distance, and lost sight of all she knew. In a lush clearing, down the mountain’s side, a great boulder stood apart, ringed by many mushrooms. On the southern side, beneath the great stone, she dug out a deep hole. Therein Adata’nese placed the bundled tome, then poured dirt back over it, topped it with other smaller stones. When finished she picked many of the mushrooms and stowed them away in the swath of cloth about her. With the shoulder sling full Ada began to ascend the mount. It was then she saw Ham’s wife descending toward her.
Sedget’elbad waved, calling down the mountain, “Morning sister! Why have you ventured so far away?”
Adata’nese called back gleefully, “Mushrooms!” Then added as they met, “Sister, should we not also plan for the day when we are able to pitch our own tents apart from one another and begin our own families?” She said this while rubbing her stomach.
Sedget’elbad exclaimed with joy, “Oh! Sweet sister! Ada, you are with child?”
Adata’nese smiled, ”Yes.”
“Does Yapheth know?” Sedget’elbad almost whispered.
Ada grinned with her secret, ”Sedget, you are the first.”
Sedget, embraced Adata’nese, “Aww, Ada, may it be a boy, and may he be the first of many yet to come.”
Ada touched the other woman’s stomach, “For all of us, sister.”
Sedget glanced up at the mountain’s top, “We know Emzara birthed three sons and midwifed many others, so fret none you are in good hands, Ada.”
Ada smiled back then looked saddened, ”Yes, our Mother-in-law is experienced, and wise indeed.”
Sedget understood her feelings, “I know that look, I understand too, Ada. I dearly miss my mother as well.”
”Yes, many of my family,” Ada began then sighed, “but this is all behind us now, sister.”
Sedget “Making this new beginning means we must lean all the more on one another because we are all we have. Be strong, Ada this babe will be greatly loved.” Adding, “The firstborn always is.”
Tears welled in Ada’s eyes, ”Sedget, you are more than a sister-in-law to me, gratitude more than can be expressed, sister.
Sedget added their other sister-in-law as well, “Ne’ela, also.”
Ada reaffirmed, “Ne’ela, also.” With that, they walked hand in hand aiding the other up the mountain.
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