My daughter, Elizabeth and her husband, James had their second baby - A Boy! August 11, 2006; Jamison DeLane Garza was born into the world at 8 pounds and 12 oz. CONGRADULATIONS guys we wish you both the very best.

My work schedule changes back to "Patterns" come September 1st. What that means is, instead of working weekends, I will actually be able to have a weekend or two off; 3days on 1 off, 4days on and 2 off, and one weekend a month off.
Being a DM (Dungeon Master), or Game monitor is a lot more intense than I originally knew, I love it. A more experienced player has joined Our-Campaign, he's pertty impress from the onset with all the Props, maps, and web pages that I've designed to enhance our game. With a change in work schedule I wont have all that weekly time like I had before so I'm doing alot now.
In the World of THAY we have Avatars called "The S'sainen" who head a Secret Council geared toward ridding he world of its Evil. Here is a "Making Of" video I pieced together. Notice Tehuti?