With all my previous life experiences; Yes! I think I have what it takes to start my own "Me-Cultic-Worship-Center" - Lopyziax!*. I sent off for the FREE instructional video. Why, you too can learn tips that made the Jehovah's Witnesses, Morons, and other Cool-Aid drinking Space Cadets so successful! Humm...Why not Start Today?
* word verification code sounds like a great name for my group
There are actually some excellent points made in the film about what to be aware of when seeking any type of faith based group. Any study group which does not allow for honest questions of its doctrinal teaching should raise a red flag of caution.
Well, sign me up as your first Lopyziaxian. I always thought I'd make a great cult leader too. I don't really want to control anybody, or get rich off of them, but I'm a big fan of free-love and orange pajamas.