David DeLane Snow
The slap was loud and unwarranted. The sting from the woman’s hand immediately began to show its whelping print on the young boy’s cheek and right ear, as she dauntingly continued to shake him by the shoulders screaming. The boy was no more than six years old. She was angry about having been prematurely awaken on her day off. The shaken boy dared not cry out because he knew that that always angered her even more.
Then, just as she raised her hand for a second blow, another boy (about nine years old) jumped in between them both and shoved the younger to the ground making him fall a few steps away. The older boy shouted, “Leave him alone! Run little brother, I’ll hold her off.” With that the thin blond haired boy on the ground scrambled to get away, but not before catching a glimpse of her beating his rescuer. The tall dark haired hero then fell to the floor and curled up as the angry woman had begun violently kicking the child in the back and ribs, shouting, “So you think you can handle this instead - alright!”
Crouched from behind a nearby bed the younger boy could only watch in silent horror as the beating continued until the woman grew tired, quieting on her own accord.
Jacob woke up wide eye and breathing heavily from his dream. Its realism was disturbing as he sat up on the side of his bed rubbing his ear, and the sleep from his eyes. Jacob seemed to have suppressed so much in his life; amazing how a single nightmare could have resurrected a host of unremembered emotions - long thought forgotten. But, those two boys - his mind strained to put their faces back into focus, yet the attempt was futile.
Opening of my revised Chapter One
Here's a taste of the game play in its new awesome glory!