I have really come to be impressed with FACEBOOK. Through it I have rediscovered individuals I have not seen since Junior and High School. I droped out in 1982, shoud have graduated in '83 but got a GED in '87 - wasn't quiet the same. I am publicly very proud all of those folks who did so and have gone on to do great things... Check out FB, and get back in touch with your past, it's never too late to start the future!
I love you man, but the "now" picture of me (from an animated .gif of me pulling my andriod face off al la the "Six Million Dollar Man") just looks like I'm about to be sick. Of all the crazy things I've done to myself in Photoshop, you couldn't find a more flattering picture? I'm Captain Kirk, dammit! I'm CAPTAIN KIIIIIIIIIIIIIRK!