It was a small wooden box, almost the length and breath of Fayendar’s hand. Its lid was latched closed in such a way that its simple metal flip-lock needed no key. The lid’s top surface was ornately carved with a hand pointing left to an eye, below that was a swan-carved ship whose three unfurled sails were points. A small scroll was rolled onto two spindles that were locked in place by the closed lid. Fayendar noticed that when he turned the left spindle the text was written in such a way that the lid’s carvings pointed out certain passage details: either chapter, verse or circled letters. After decoding the circled letters, Fayendar read a message that really astounded him. For the author had written a warning not to add or take away from his words.
The tale he read on the scrolls were almost identical in every detail to Lyerah’s personal account. The Watcher‘s Book he had studied all those years at Varlendur paled in comparison to the beautiful simplicity of the original scrolls. For it contained none of the additional embellishings about the family and priestly lineages who followed the Watchers. Neither were there any of the proverbial sayings and ceremonial songs nor the lyrical prohibitions against associating with dwarves, and venturing into the western woods of Kinderval.
Fayendar began to remember all his ‘sacred service,’ the mundane ceremonial duties he had preformed, and how they were labeled as ‘theocratic secrets,’ forbidden to be shared with even his non-priestly family members. Strangely his eyes began to tear up. He felt strange inside. A scene of loss, and a feeling of gain all at the same time. He had been told his whole life what the book said, by so many people, that finally being able to read it for himself was almost overwhelming. There was also a scene of disappointment, because its difference was so different, so plain and simple, yet believable. Suddenly, he knew his tears were of joy. For he felt an inward growth, and the weight of all his guilt and frustration finally lifted from his mind and heart. Learning the truth of ‘The Truth’ had given him the confidence he needed to face anything.