Thank you for taking the time to visit; enjoy the posts...
the weeping depths of sorrow
and blissful peaks of joy
in noticing the keyboard
with all its letters there...
we all have the same choices
of strokes to make our own.
Yet there is nothing new
under the sun or moon
for all our journeys have
been hunted and pecked out
differently they are all the same
human experience we call life.
Tracy's Art
But I hear their voices
from time to time they yell
defeatism things that yearn
for me to take them back...
yet I fear the shadows of their black
celled chambers of what if
yet to push forward in light
to learn, feed, and grow
share, inspire, and live
is a far better thing than death.
The glasses
The bifocal glasses he withdrew from the velveteen box amid other treasures were just plain unremarkable things. Nothing special actually. The lenses had a subtle yellow tinge more from age than tint. Their subscription had expired long ago. Their fashion was out-of-style - an early 2000s model.
Maybe they should have been thrown out a long time ago with all the other things that held no use; pots and pans, clothes, newspapers. Maybe he should have thrown out all the other personal odds and ends neatly ordered in the opened box before him. The box itself had been carefully stashed away in the weathered footlocker he had acquired five years back. The glasses were nothing special to anyone else, but him… He couldn't find the courage to... He gave an audible sigh trying not to allow the old pair of eye wear evoke deeper emotions. They were gently returned to the velveteen box as the weathered footlocker was slid to the back of his closet again. Before the door was closed on their memories he gave a melancholy whisper, "I miss you Dad."
The glasses
The bifocal glasses he withdrew from the velveteen box amid other treasures were just plan unremarkable things. Nothing special actually. The lenses had a subtle yellow tenge more from age than tint. Their subscription had expired long ago. Their fashion was out-of-fashion an early 2000s model.
Maybe they should have been thrown out a long time ago with all the other things that held no use; pots and pans, clothes, newspapers. Maybe he should have thrown out all the other personal odds and ends neatly ordered in the opened box before him. The box itself had been carefully stashed away in the weathered footlocker he had acquired five years back. The glasses were nothing special to anyone else, but to him he couldn't find the courage to... He gave an audible sigh trying not to allow the old pair of eye wear evoke deeper emotions. They were gently returned to the velveteen box as the weathered footlocker was slid to the back of his closet again. Before the door was closed on their memories he gave a melancholy whisper, "I miss you Dad."
Woke up this morning with a smiling face
warm brewed coffee in hand
sleeping dog snoring on my shoulders
surfing the internet of friendly comments
thinking of all the tasks yet to be done
my thoughts come back to that first smile
and wondering why my life took so long
to find the clarity of this blissful moment
how all roads have led me this step now
all those yesterdays brought me here
and where yet I am to go from now
~ David DeLane Snow
Life Goes On
Ultra thou shalt not elitism
Once saved always saved
An in it harm none
There's Only One Name
The journey continues
in the wise fashion that the
distance of time brings
clarity of mind that in the end
we are all the same
searching for love
peace, hope and sanity;
I'm not alone and am happy.
The Tree Cursed Man
upon the glades soft green she lay
in peaceful slumber her eyes closed
waking to whispered kisses
her smiling eyes beheld her lover's
gaze of the morning light
a full night she spent in those woods
of dreams and passions tossed
yet upon fully waking she was all
alone seeking his foot falls beneath the trees.
Happy Mother's Day
.A thousand dreams were crafted
beneath your apron's skirt
a thousand hurts kissed away
memories made and lost
mixed emotions to this day
no matter what's said and done
you're forever the only one
I clam as my mother now gone.

- > A BOOK OF SCROLLS (an epic novel)
- > Ancestry TREE
- > BOOK: Mental States: A Poet's Journey
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- > INSURANCE:Liberty Mutual (Renter's)
- > Internet Movie Data Base
- > Michael T. Smith
- > MOVIE Trailers
- > Musings of A Poet
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- > Our History's Name
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