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Prayerful Tears

I have one of those obsessive personalites that whenever I become interested in something I focus on it and it alone. When 911-2001 occured I watched CNN, and all the news channels I could absorb, for three days straight. Till I was awashed and emotionally exhausted, landing in a deep depression, a despare of not being able to do anything.

Again, for four days I've been glued to the internet MSN video clips absorbing anything and everything I can of the HURRICANE KATRINA situation; however, this is going to last so much longer. I fear it will effect "us" so much more as a nation than two towers falling.

I broke down and litterally cried. Sharing with my wife and brother-in-law all the horrific details, and again finding myself in an incrediblly, emotionally drained state of mind. I am sad; beyond even the greif I tried to share at the loss of our family pet, April, months ago. I am depressed beyond help - because I can do nothing to help.

My brother-in-law's car broke down a few days ago. With no finacial resources and our personal credit shot to hell, he took out two payday loans to fix his vehicle. We are beginning to feel the 'bump in the road' hick-up as our finacial belts are being tightened. It's very difficult, money wise to make rent, utilites, car payment and food supplies; yet, in the middle of all my petty mundane issues come all the KATRINA stories in the news.

I am NOT feeling sorry for myself - 'cause heck that's just. Things to be dealt with - like you few readers. I'm just overwhelminglly saddened by my neighbors in the hurricane effected States, like many of you, who can just barely take care of our own personal family issues; what to do? Send money to the Red Cross. Give what and when you can to the HURRICANE Relief Fund raisers that will soon be bombarding the airwaves.

Most of all, fed and water your animals, give your kid an extra hug, stay a little longer with your sinficant-other, and make the most of your loved ones, looking beyond the trappings of our materialistic world. I can no longer allow myself to be abosorb by the enormity of things out of my control; I can do precious little by our little conbinded with others can impact a lot. The Federal gov can not be the only ones the vicitms relie on...


  1. True....tragedies such as Katrina or the tsunami that swept Asia often cause this feeling of sheer helplessness. The worst part is feeling the pain and then feeling that there's not much you can do.....but then, how does one measure what one can do? It is relative!!! There's a small story in Indian literature that I will cite to illustrate this:

    There was a priest who chanted God's name all 24 hours. One day he asked God, "Who is your biggest devotee?" God pointed out a farmer and said, "Him". The priest was upset. He looked at the farmer. All the farmer did was plough his fields all day. He took God's name just twice, once when he left the house and the next, when he returned after work. The priest complained to God that this was unfair, so God smiled and told him to carry a lotus leaf filled with water and walk around the world......

    When the priest returned, God asked him, "How many times did you think of me?". The priest replied, "To be honest, none. I was so busy concentrating that I should not drop anything." God replied, "Do you see now? That farmer thinks of me twice a day even though he has so much work to do. That is why he is my biggest devotee."

    I don't believe in God one tiny bit, but this story illustrates very clearly that what you do is always relative to your position. So, if you donate whatever little you are able to, that is moer than a billionaire donating $100,000. Simple as that. At times, all you can donate is your wishes and prayers. Fair enough. Money is not everything and the measure of your contribution can never be how much MONEY you is how much you gave out of what you COULD give.....

  2. Johnny Boy:
    What you are talking about is "giving from your need". That is, giving something to someone even though you really need it for yourself. I agree with you.

    I am fascinated by the tragedy as well.
    Being an avid reader of speculative or fantastic fiction, I've often found myself imagining what life might be like if the structure that our lifestyles are built upon suddenly and unexpectedly collapsed.
    20,000+ people living in the Superdome? Within 5 days generating legends and myths about what happens on the fourth floor? Within 5 days openning erzats speak-easies in the abandoned sky-boxes?

    These are the stories that will be told and told and told again.

    The tragedy is too big to fathom in my meager life, in my geologically and meteorologically stable Southeast Michigan home. But I can approach it with imagination.

    Of course I want to give, but to whom and where? My wife is looking into it today, as she has been out of work for over a month and it will give her something to do.

  3. It's like the story in the Bible of the widow who gave all she had (which was a very small amount), while the rich person only gave very little. Give with your heart. And if you have nothing go give, pray. Prayer can change lives, outcomes, situations, and hearts. There is always hope.

  4. I made a trip to Mississippi to check on my family. I've seen the devistation first hand, and have only one thing to say...OH MY GOD!!!! My family is ok, but my sister's house is destroyed, and my parents roof is gone. My other sister's house has a small tree in part of the house. My parents had several LARGE trees in their front yard....note I said HAD!There is no electricity or phone, but they do have running water. They are cooking on the grill. If you want to give, please buy canned goods and take them to the local Red Cross office for delivery. or..gasoline is as my dad called it"liquid gold". Generators wont' run if they don't have gasoline. I took 20 gallons to my family, and they rationed it between all of them! My parents had a freezer full of beef fresh from the slaughter house...they had to cook it ALL...fed my entire family and the neighbors too. It was going to spoil if it wasn't please, donate canned goods!!!

  5. It is just heart breaking.Am atthe stage where I cannot watch anymore.

  6. Abeni, I guess in my long winded way that's just what I was trying to say - "I can't watch anymore." But we can't just turn away either - heartbreaking... it could be our families next, then who would be there for us?
