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Our hearts and thoughts go out the the victims and families of those who are sufering from the effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Though I never endured the horrificness of such a storm I can scarsly imagine the emotional upheavals. I lived in Corpus Christi, along the south Texas coast line, for twenty years. I worked at the Corpus Christi State School for four years, one year we evacuated the entire campus, loading over two hundred individuals with Mental Health and Mental Retardation issuses into more than twenty comercial buses; not to mention their medications, bathing supplies, clothes, beddings, behavioral situations, staff. We stayed three horride days and nights at the San Antonio State Hospital till Hurricane Gilbert headed directly for Corpus Christi; however, at the last minuet the storm turned slaming into Mexico, with no loss of life, (as far as I remember). Still, nothing like Katrina. I can only imagine their hardships in returning to demolished homes and washed out lives.
My brother-in-law is having car problems, and since we are all sharing the same apartment we share the same problems. Though my car is still up and going, I'm having to assist him a great deal - but compared to where I could be with hardships, I'm not complaining...



  1. My entire family is in Mississippi, and I haven't heard from any of them....I'm just hoping they are all alright!


  2. mrscoogan-
    I know what you mean, but seems we all have something that effects us, tornados, earthquakes and what nots.

    I hope you're able to hear some good news about your family; maybe they evacuated, keep you in my prayers.
