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(Apartment 667)
A Short Story
David DeLane Snow


   “How neat.  Look, Steven this was the first book I ever read as a kid: Journey to the Center of the Er-”
  “Ha!  That was a cheesy Brandon Fraser movie, Mom.”
  “Movie? No it’s a classic son -.”
  “Wow, how cool!”
   Half hoping he had changed his mind, Rebekah’s brief smile dashed into a smirk, “Don’t think so, Rick.”
   Her older son was investigating a warn game box that had been marked .25 cents in red ink on a masking tape label, “Oh come on, Mom don’t be a stick in the mud.  It’s just an ’ol Ouija Board for a quarter.” Then before she could protest any further the fifteen year old fished out the coin from his own blue jean pocket, and paid the elderly woman behind the rickety folding table who smiled toothlessly back.
  She spoke to them for the first time, even though they had been the only ones rummaging through her garage sale for the last thirty minuets, “Wonderful choice young man, wary who you conjure.  The fifth will point out the Four, who are waiting already.”
   With that Rebekah Fairfield hurriedly paid for her other items: a book, lamp, and baseball bat; then uneasily gathered her two teenage boys, and headed down the long driveway back to their family’s mini-van.

[SEE ALSO: Dead Secrets]