Thank you for taking the time to visit; enjoy the posts...

Going Along

Where to go from here
more years behind than ahead
to have another 51
I cant see myself at 102
I'm happy and content with what 
I've contributed to the journey
of others I've gained much as well






Snow antelope

HINT:  Don't be afraid to go into the woods, they are just an unkept Holy Ground; they aren't haunted.

Growing my BEARD

Growing my beard.  Sometimes I shave, sometimes I don't.  I think I need a change; introvert for a while. Change. What do you think? Does it even matter anymore?  Thinking what I think...


MY skipping MIND..

CURE CRISIS (my Science-Fiction story); THE NEPHILIM AGE and THE WATCHER'S BOOK (Volume I,II of a long Epic Fantasy); THE APARTMENT COMPLEX (an Anthology of weird short stories).

My mind is in a constant state of 'jumping about'.  I'm trying to develop my writing, more than my art and craft those 'thousand words' from the pictures in my head.  It helps to deal with all the mental issues and stresses.  I've learned over the last few years that sharing my thoughts has made me keenly aware I am not the only twisted, tormented soul out there.  Actually, I am not unlike everyone else, just a little more in-tune and expressive with my 'darker side'.

Love this video so cool the "team work"...


Medieval Times

Happy Birthday Lady Snow!

OUR "Black&White" Knight won the Tournament!!!!! 

Miss you yesterday

We strive to be better than we were
each day given a ray of hope
today is but a foundation for tomorrow's
smiles of joy and yesterday's
longing for what has slipped away
time is but an illusion of the eternal now.

~ David De Lane Snow​

Merging Visions

My wife and I 
went to 
Meadows Gallery
 Center for the Visual Arts

BEHIND the Scenes

BEHIND the Scenes 

The making of a novel.

==============Official Web Site below==============


BEHIND the Scene: Chapter Two

"So, how do you come up with all that stuff anyway?"

   Came from a co-worker: Bryan Mitchell; a little of his personality actually went into the character "Brycin".

Brother Nathan Hamilton 
  He was actually "named after a JW.

Father Gilder
   Personality after the priest from Robin Hood.

Abigail Spartanburg 
  Just always loved the name Abigail and Spartanburg came from my grandmother-in-law's hometown; I was thinking of "grandmotherly" types.

the Technicians
  based on the creepiness of the doctor from Dune.




"So, how do you come up with all that stuff anyway?"


 David DeLane Snow

© 2015 July
SNOWbear Productions


The ‘core idea’ of this tale comes from Shawn Farrar.  His premises, dealing mainly with the ethics of organ donation and transplants sparked a domino effect of ‘what if’ questions.  Shawn’s basic Idea of The Cure for everything, and the creative embellishing’s of that worldview spurred my own personal creativeness.  He gets the lion’s share of acknowledgements, and huge thank you!

Thanks to my daughter, Elizabeth Garza for her view on consistency, realism, and concept for the cover art.   Many thanks to Damon Terrell and Jason Prather; with their detailed eye on story-proofing things were more readable for others.  And finally, I would like to thank my dearest of friends, Mike Cope who never stopped pushing, encouraging and believing in the tenacity of my efforts.

   My deepest gratitude to everyone who helped me struggle against my mental health issues and self-doubt, to accept that I could become a writer by simply writing.

Shawn friend and former co-worker





BEHIND the Scenes: Chapter ONE

"So, how do you come up with all that stuff anyway?"

   Witnessed too many of these at work.

   A real nurse; former co-worker: Jessica Hamilton.

Ron Sites
  Name take from two real people; former co-workers:
 Ron Shiflet,
 and Randy Sites; both somewhat into conspiracy theories.

Stephanie Yatter
  Stephanie "Carter" a real person, co-worker.

Doctor Prather
  Jason Prather; a real RN Nurse, former co-worker.

   ...and Behavioral personalities were a combination of fact based individual and mixture; not singularly based on any one person or conditions. HIPPA not violated and no confidential information were ever breached.

The Great Tribulation

Blimp (Steam Punk)


FEMA Camps

Rowena [ HAL]
   Rowena Prather; Jason's wife.
