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Beginning the Word by Word writing...

[Translated: Sinenya ‘Elvish’]

  1 Herein lies the requiem of Middle-Earth’s parting elves, and the days that
1 Hans cata om’Miogarder oaks ilel, uom ahemal tanya
followed thereafter.  I Adoromeir do give an account of those who stayed
2  yineany cestwatata .  Ye Adoromeir tynisa un nahur om thoyus banwe yiudveal
behind after the great departure of that vast fleet of swan-carved ships that
3 aedil neny som tura unaerush o’tanya rashef luksima om’elque cular tanya
sailed beyond the twin peaks of bay of Luhun.
4 yi`weran tar som`zeses molu om`aelon om`Luhun.

   Of all the true-born elves who refused to forsake Middle-Earth, twenty-
5 en`ilya som`munona ah`ilel banwe yi`avaw arqueta Miogarder, a`zeyes-
one chose to remain on the shores of men, and watched their loved ones
6 er tyasa n`vial ah`itas om`ner, um yi`rulan ron yi`avas er
sail away on that last night.
7 weran kelo on`tanya tora kanus.

   2 These are the names of those who forever became known simply as The
8 Eska am som iste oeska banwe cruslae lost sinwa hraia ira som
9 Arnuss.

   Beirdan and his wife, the Lady Holmath, and three of their eight sons:
10 Beirdan um ho ondos, som galay Holmath, um ses om ron suz ah`yondo:

Adoromeir, Finomal, Nathveiren, and Kielmeth their only sister.  Their five
11 Adoromeir, Finomal, Nathveiren, um  Kielmeth ron veor nisu.  Ron kes
other siblings chose to leave aboard the swan-carved ships of Cirdan the III.
12 owma ah`wenyo tyasa viks som yi`culor celmore om Cirdan som ses.
   With them were: Galadir and his wife, the Lady Valinada.  Seven years
13 Yassen toun ga: Galadir um ho ondos, som Valinada.  Zuz ah`anul

after the great departure, Nadan was the first born among that new era.
14 Neny som tura unaerush, Nadan naea som er`nona nutmin tanya bon heare.
   With them were: Elhuron and his wife, the Lady Lillikiss and her unborn
15 Yassen toun ga: Elhuron um ho, som ga Lillikiss um bo nona`ful

child, which later died in the pangs of labor.  Elhuron grew dark and hard
16 brek yaita luta ydath esm nuste om guru.  Elhuron Moala kana um serde

hearted against having stayed behind.  He took his own life by dagger’s blade after the passing of his wife and child.

   With them were: Symodare, Searifim, and Lyreah.  Symodare was counted as the oldest, being one hundred twenty years of age!  He had been born in the golden woods of Lothlorien, and arrived at the Grey Havens; later renamed Mithar.   At the last moment it was he who first refused to go aboard those awaiting ships.  Symodare was counted as the First of the Watchers.  It was Symodare who convinced Vendumar that a presence of elvendom should remain somewhere in the realm of men; even if it was only to be as a reminder of the Ancient ways. 

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