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The Lifted Orc

(The Tale of Ceirmaul)
   Teaching in the Market of Mithar’s Gate one day an Orc came to the city and called to Nadan, “Heal me lord!”
   But Nadan, the son of Galadir gave no answer to the deformed creature, whom even the crowds abated from.  None the less it persisted in following the prophet and his seven followers calling out, “True son of heaven take pity.”
   At this the bewildered crowd hushed, pondering Nadan’s response.  Again the beast called, going to bent knees, “Lord, does not one even the likes of me need such salvation as you offer these others?”  The beast carried the foul odor of a rotting carcass, and its reputation as a fierce warrior to death caused the people to fear it.   But this orc was alone without troop or weapon.
   Nadan turned about and spoke, “For piety’s sake you beg or to do yourself honor?”
   “Nay Lord of lords,” Came the orc’s broken voice through tears.”  A sword was drawn against it by one of Nadan’s followers, but the prophet stayed his hand with his own.  Again the creature cried out, still on bent knees in the public market, “Sire, it is known who you are to those who see you as you are.  These others here are yet still blind, Master.  Not for my honor, as I even forsook my cause in seeking you, to purge this flesh so condemned.  I chose not this path, nor the one beaten into my brethren’s war.  Would that I were like unto those first intended ones, for such is the reason I sought you out these many years, for hope’s chance of our meeting.  Show your glory sire; if only you would choose to turn me back, before the curse of my kind.”
   Nadan inquired, “If I so chose to lift that which brought you before me, then let it be lifted from them all of such faith here.  But of you; what goals thereafter would you venture upon?”
   A joy came upon the black creature’s voice that none in the crowd would have imagined, “Gracious lord, ever would your precious name be lofty in praise before even the Vala of the Undying Lands as would be my sole journey to achieve, Master.”
   Nadan replied, “Then be about your will and purpose as you have so professed before these here.  That the lord of heaven be glorified in his manifestation among these children, to believe one such as you.  Behold, like this once vile creature made whole; such can be made of your lives as well by mere faith.”
  Even as Nadan spoke these words something like flakes of caked on mud began falling away from the arms and face of the kneeling creature.  The crowds marveled with great astonishment at its transformation before their very eyes as even the stench of the malformed beast crumbled away.  Moments later, instead of a snarling burnt looking monster, the beautiful figure of a pale young elven prince stood before them in tattered clothing.  A young woman from her clothing booth freely offered him garments, as others began giving him some of their wares and food.  He pushed his way through that gathering; came and fell at Nadan’s feet, crying with gratitude and praise.

  But Nadan commanded him, “Go.  Do as you have spoken, for soon only the son shall remain.” The young elven prince left the city without the gifts offered him, save the joy of having been restored by the prophet Nadan.


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