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Changes of Life...

I remember a conversation I had with an old school friend, Shannon, back in 1979, on the eve of the 80s. We spoke of all the coming changes in the world and science: Moon Base Alpha, Jet packs, flying cars, Star Trek technology, all by the fantastic year 2000!

Well, here we are, 2005 already... Interesting 'eh?

About 02 my wife and I moved up north to Dallas, Texas, from the seasonly year round warmth of Corpus Christi, on the coast of Texas. We have friends and some distant family up here; of which we see little of by the way. A few months later, my 22 year old daughter joined us. A year or so later we moved to another apartment complex, and again, my daughter moved; this time as our next door neighbor!

Well, just a few days ago she and her boyfriend have moved once more, this time across town, a good 20 min. drive in hectic traffic. A really nice and spacious apartment complex I might add, with a tennis court, gym, pool, and beautiful lawns.

My daughter and wife are very close, more friends than parent-child; always have been. So, this move has really set in the "empty nest" feeling for my wife and I; however, I've prepared myself more emotionally than she has for it, yet she's taking it a little harder. Nevertheless, we'll adjust. Hey, there is a grandchild on the way, so we're more than sure to be visiting quiet regularlly.

It's just, that back in 79 we had absolutly no idea how much the world would really change: space shuttle explosions, 911, a War and all the things which led up to them. And that's my point. I had no idea whatsoever how my life would be at 40 years old. My concepts, and base experiences in life were so vastly different than those I've since aquired, and which have lead me to where I am now. The unfolding of the changes which make us who we are are slow and gradual, till one day you look up and see who you've become and say, "Wow, interesting..."

So, what's next? It's too early, but things are going well so far; only time can tell.


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