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On the way home last night, I got off the freeway and on to a main road. It was raining, and the roads were very wet; wipers going just slow enough to be annoying.

Suddenly the vehichle, two car links ahead of me - on my left, a dark blazer hit his brakes, turned a sharp right, then slid horizonally across in front of me. His hydroplainning threw his car across the street in front of me, flipping him into a nearby gully way. The Blazer jumped up afew feet into the air, flipped over, landed on its roof, then rolled over back into the watery ditch. It lay there lifelessly steaming with its mud glazed lights on; twitching wipers still going.

With my hazards flashing I pulled over - noticing I was the first one on the scene - ran over to the Blazer, and yelled if the driver was alright. After a paniced moment, I climbed onto the right side of the overturned hulk, as a hispanic male began crawling up, groaning out of the passenger's window. I assisted him out, limping and moaning back to my car. By that time three other passer bys stopped, I ordered for anyone with a cell phone to call "911."

The 27year old man, speaking as badly in english and my spanish was; that he was alright but obviously very shaken. He sat shivering in my car, trying to use his own muddy, broken phone to call for help. The other drivers ran up to help and finding that there was only one individual in the werck, were reassuring him that an ambulance was in route.

Soon they arrived, and assisted him to their waiting aid station; as we all left for our own careful lives. Strange how life can turn on a dime. I'm really gald that man had nothing more than a few burises and a beat up, overturned muddy car - it could have been a hell of a lot worse.

I was very pleasantly surprised to witness first hand how concerned others were in their quick responce of the situation; we always seem so quick to judge others, but it's nice to see some faith in your fellow men restored when a crisis hits home.

If ever the shoe is on the other the foot, and I'm the one in an accident I pray there will be that same eagerness and concern displayed on my behalf.


  1. You might be glad he was ok. It still would've been awesome if he died. I probably would've been like "Holy shit!" But I would've kept driving.

  2. Well i think in times of distress, sometimes the human spirit is kindled with kindness and at other times apathy. Ur writing showed ur an empathic person, which is a blessing. And i always say wat goes around comes around :)
