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SHARE the ExPerIeNcE

I believe we should share our experiences and talents when and where ever possible. For example, there is a co-worker, who is a devout Christian, who's trying to put her ministery oppertunities on the web. Not that I know a great deal about web designing; she flipped when she saw my site, and wanted some advice. So, now I'm assisting in designing a Christian web site; me a Pagan - isn't that a hoot!

The Promised Land


  1. That is so neat. Just goes to show we can get along when we don't seek out the negatives. You put out some great karma there darlin'.


  2. You're a better man than I Gunga Din. LOL Nice job on the site, by the way.

  3. Nah, not a hoot. Just the illumination of the one true point of all of it. Good on you . . .

    Provided she's not bucking for the addition of George Bush to Mt. Rushmore. Then all bets are off.
