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Order of the Scribes

      1 TO list the Kings would also be to list their Royal Scribes for to see one you saw the other.  They were also called The Silent Sisters.  They were forbidden to speak unless spoken to, and if they did so only at the behest of the King himself; they were all girls.  Their age began at eight years, and solely in that office for the service and record of the King.  A sworn mandate was made in open court by the second Crown that no one, not even the King himself could touch or molest them upon penalty of death, as they were charged with recording history good or ill.
  2 SISTERS, as they came to be called, were strictly trained by the Scribe-Mothers.  They were former scribes in the service of the Kings.  Chosen and trained as early as six years of age, The Sister Scribes were a devout class unto themselves.  Their memories and words were a reflection of the law of the King they served and those before them as a reference of law before all.
  3 ONLY after they had fulfilled their office could a Sister become a wife if she so chose; however, relations with a man was strictly forbidden under her training and law of the third king.  There was no requirement as to how many could serve a single king or for how long.

      2 THESE are the listing of the Order of Scribes:
   2 THE first scribe of Mithar was the Watcher, Adoromeir, son of Lord Beirdan and the Lady Holmath.  The second scribe appointed was the Watcher, Nolmithlon; a sailor, shipbuilder and apprentice of Cirdan.  He in turn was the Head Master over Lydia.

   3 LYDIA was the first to be called a Sister unto the Scribes, and those under her tutelage were thereafter called The Order of the Sisters.   She was called ‘Mother’ by her students.  Only those students who had been hand chosen and served as Sister-Scribes were raised to Motherhood to train other ‘daughter’ scribes.  Sisters who were not chosen to be royal scribes lived in the tower of Varlendur and worked as copyist, transcribing The Grey Book.  It was later called The Book of Books and The Watcher’s Book.  They were the keepers of the Law and highly respected and feared among the people in conversation, for they could always be chosen by the King. 


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