WOW! We just got back from seeing Star Wars III. Finally, a movie that lived up to all the hype. I enjoyed the musical score, and how Lucus tied all the lose ends up in preparation for Episode IV: "Star Wars" A New Hope. I had heard so much bad press about this film that I only looked for the worse and was happily surprised.
Now; that that's over - I'm really looking foreward to some other films as well: Fantastic Four,Batman,Narnia, and of course Harry Potter and his force!
Movies are a great escape from the mundane world's pressures and work-a-day stresses, why not enjoy them for what they are. In time these fades fade as well; take your family or a friend, for that's where the real excitement is - is sharing the popcorn, drinks, and juju beans.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. When they do Narnia, if ever, they should have a Christian (who goes to Church!) help. This I say because I do not believe Hollyweird has a clue as to Christians see the World. C. S. Lewis would not be impressed. :)
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ReplyDeleteI do not think anyone should worry about a "Christian" message not bleeding through on the Narina Movies; that was exactly Lewis' intent for the style of writing. Tolkien; however, despiesed any such allegorical method of story telling - even though he and Lewis were soul- mate friends, he did not like the Narnia tales for that exact reason. LOTR was not a Christian allegory yet many see those themes woven into it. His source material of the Finish Kalevala were not a part of the Christian mythos.