I'm the kind of individual who trys to plan everything out, and be prepared for things ahead of time; which doesn't always seem to work for me. We're moving to another apartment complex across town. Having come from a much smaller town, (Corpus Christi, 3 years), this venture will seem like another Grand Adventure; eventhough it's just "across town,"(here in Dallas).
Everything's packed up, with one week to go. So, I guess it's pertty much time for the computer and its addiction to be shut down. I'll check my emails, surf and all but I'll hold off here, till the later part of next week... an eternity it may seem, til then.
Some Changes: A new apartment complex, (a townhouse with a study, and a room for the brother-and-law, instead of the livingroom futon), new cable company, phone & Internet provider, Electric bill to pay now, three tenis courts, 6 swimming pools, a new route to work. Hopefully, come August, I'll be going back to college; looking into being a Certified Medication Aid, then seeking a new job closer to home. - Remember the changes I infered? Well these are some of them.
I really get a kick out fooling around in photoshop, and scribbling down the ideas that the pictures spur for my story. However, I can't quiet get anywhere in my writing; so maybe this break, and the new changes will help towards developing new ideas. Please, feel free to leave any comments you wish in reguards to my Story.
This is probably one of the rare places you'll ever find where an author request such an open form on their work - take advantage of it.
"Life is a learning experience; and we are all its teachers." - Feandar`Kien
I really enjoy your work - keep it up.