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David Snow Presents...

A friend sent me an e-amail the other day, with a website by a man having the same name as me. I found that rather curious. So I did a search of others with my name.

If you ever become frustrated with things not going the way you hoped, or maybe depressed that you life is not quiet turning out the way you wanted it to. Or been thinking "what if I had take the road less traveled;"then just do a search on your name. Myabe, like me, you will find a little encouragement in knowing that someone out there IS doing something different than me, and maybe even vicariously so am I. If "the other me" can do great things, then surely there's hope for this version of me to accomplish great things as well. I could be anything: A Mental Health Worker, Tour Guide, A Web Designer, A Tatoo Artist, An Attorny at Law, or even a Sociology Professor.

We all have greatness in ourselves; finding it may take a lifetime, but it's in the journey where we grow.


  1. Hi. My real name isn't Asia Snow. It's just a name I chose for online identification. I have always chosen A.S. as my initials online. Even though it's not my real name, I think it is a beautiful name. I plan on naming one of my girls "Snow" (if I end up having a girl). Well, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  2. George Eliot said, "It is never too late to become what you might have been." I believe that, too. I think what seperates the will-be from the has-been is just a matter of perspective. Can you imagine where I would be stuck if I couldn't reinvent myself every couple of years?

