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Happy Thanksgiving!

Whether you are a religious Puritan, a Spiritual Liberal, Agnostic, or Atheist - Happy Thanksgiving! Personally I don't think it is a religious holiday, even though there are very religious undertones; we don't need the goverment telling us to "Thank God," but it is nice that our leaders had set aside a day for national Gratefullness. Whether a loved one has passed away this year, or a tragic event destroyed a precious materal belonging; each of needs a personal time of reflection which should include being Thankful for even the most mundane of life's blessings. Healing and the care of others first and fore most begins with our own, individual well being.
I am blessed and very thankful for the people in my life; my wife, daughter, family near and far, friends, co-workers, and yes even you fellow blogger - because they have all in their own fashion validated my sence of worth, respect and love. I'm grateful I live in America, with all her problems and ills at least I can be who I am with out fear.
Happy Thanksgiving, and may you all have a Blessed Season!