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Through a stony field of scattered brush and holly;

westward till I crossed the river's pebbled ford,

journeying as a solitary stranger dressed in somber grey.


On the second evening of a moondimmed pitch

the night became bathed in a blazing light,

as screams rose louder from the torched city.


Arriving upon Uruk's frightful confusion,

where a firery slaughter had awakened its slumbering guards;

its warriors caught unaware by a stealthy enemy.


I entered that battle unsumonsed -

with bow at ready and dagger sheathed

searching, without finding its cause for alarm.


As if still cloaked, my presence went unnoticed

as the people ran in panicked defense;

I sought that precious maiden who had won my heart.


She who gave my life its renewed purpose

and refuge during that time of my foolish exile;

ere Ra`More's fell demise by Nephilim hands.


"Erin-Enava!" I cried in vain in the night;

stepping through the body littled streests

as smoke gathered in that burning city of men.


A voice that once sang to me with laughter,

now faintly called amid the bleating commands of a whip;

from a house which blazed near the Eastern Gate.


Entering that smoldering threshold I saw her

crouching upon the floorwith blocked arms

warding off the blow of a raised whip.


A Nephilim dressed in silver-black's High garb

stood over his subdubed victim in mid swing'

quickly turned his mithrel armor to my inturtion.


We stood rival to rival at last facing our choice;

unwavering my arrow let loose to protect -

found its hiddious mark deep within his chest.


In one fell move the pain melted away the years;

he slumpt to his knees and fell upon his side

as his helmeted face was suddenly revealed.


The scribe stared as his brother's voice

came from the heap before him, "Feandar!

Betrayed... it's over, now I see..." Whip released.


Raptured from that baneful placed I gathered Enava

unto myself in a smothering embrace

as we fled those crumbling timber flames.


Beyond the city's burning wall I was counted

among those homeless ones who stared with

hollowed, numbed nothingness.


Enava lay dead in my arms, limp warmth

as her beauty remained to me unmarred

with her ashen face and rent garments.


"My Morning Love" remained forever unchanged

in my memories, yet her cooling form returned

not the sweet affecction we once exchanged.


I allowed her daughter to clean and redress her;

as after my people's fashion I consecrated her

with oils and spices, then bound her in my cloak.


Long I sat by her side meditating of our love;

lives briefly lived then quickly taken away -

tender was my soul-mate which none could replace.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Cool pix and words, amazing! Great stuff. Love the otherwordly fantastical feeling! Mary :-) :-)
