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A Forbidden Novel...


  1. Hmmmm.... I thought you were forbidden to make posts on Saturdays?

  2. I shall be checking this page out more.
    Brightest Blessings on your daughter's upcoming wedding! Samhain is a very interesting time for vows. Yes, a child makes up grow up fast when we know the tiny little gift from the Goddess is depending on you for everything.
    I was 21 and carrying twins and it was the moment I felt a "flutter" that I sat down and thought, "This is for real! It is mine! I am responsible for this life." Then I called my mother!

    I am so happy for you and your daughter.
    Blessed Be,
    Saphyre Rose

  3. just replying to your comment onmy blog..... wow why wow... well anyways thank you.....

  4. I can see progress on the work and I envy that. Your novel is a living, growing entity learning to stand on its own legs while mine slumbers half-forgotten and mostly unwritten.

    The writing you've done gets stronger with each rewrite. I've always thought the story was strong and your style evokes a sense of time and place that makes one almost believe you were there. Yet it is hard to critique a work in progress. In some ways it is like trying to judge who a man will be at 30 based on the boy he is at 12. Keep plugging and you will see print before I do. Your Photoshop skills are growing too. I'm quite impressed. We need to trade tips sometime.

    By the way, Happy Birthday old friend. I wish I could have been there to share it with you.

  5. I'll tell you what a good friend told me. Writing is about re-writing. It's about revision and finding the right word. *Grin* Not all of us can be Morgan! LOL

    Hard to believe that Jane Yolan, on one of her smaller novels, will revise ten or fifteen times.
    Just keep plugging. Let the work go cold and then come back and revise.
