Thank you for taking the time to visit; enjoy the posts...
Happy Thanksgiving- 06
America, and The States more specificly, continues to undergo changes. Thanksgiving, nationally founded by our ultralconservitive forefathers, has continually retained the idea of "just being thankful for our most basic of needs"; helath, home, and friends. We're going to observe Thanksgiving today - one day early; because it's my regualr day off from work today, We're having the traditonal turkey with trimmings. But rather than being gathered about a Norman Rockwell painting, (we don't have a dinning room table) we'll balance our meal on our laps. Not watching Parades, but Lord of the Rings, most of the extended family has yet to be wowed by the Jackson version of Tolkien story - filled with hope riding on the edge of doom and gloom special effects. Afterwhich we'll play non-traditional board games like King's Corner, and What If ?
HOWEVER you set aside time with your loved ones to be Grateful this year, may you all be blessed and comforted with only the hope, peace and love that family and friends can bring. When a stranger crosses your path remember these as a gift to bestow.
Here's a photoshop project I've been working on for awhile. Since I have gotten a new computer, and have worked in PS more, I need to redo many of these shots. I would love to purchase a good dital video camera, and put together some other type of film work; any sugestions?
Working, Working, Blogging. . .

While surfing the web I learned a dear friend died. Yesterday, after struggling for many years of striving to produce works of interest, he was found down in his basement, slumped over his desk with an expression of maddness frozen on his face. He was Blogged to death. To view the remains of his efforts please visit these sites: Blogspot, Typepad, MySpace, VOX, Flickr, Del.icio.us, Cafepress.
Sinking lower still - Like I said.
Ronald Kuch was arrested after police searched the area of Midland and Carter roads on Oct 20 for a man who ran away from a Bay County Animal Control officer. The entire incident was within view of a nearby day care center.
At his arraignment on Oct 23, Kuch demanded a preliminary examination in Bay County District Court. District Judge Craig Alston ordered him to remain jailed in lieu of $500,000 bond pending a hearing on the evidence Nov. 6.
Kuch is charged with crimes against nature and assaulting a law enforcement officer.
Troopers said a woman from the day care center called for animal control because there was a dead dog near the property that had been hit by a car several days earlier.
Before officers could arrive, the man showed up and began engaging in sexual acts with the dog, police said. The animal control officer also reported seeing Kuch involved in the sex act and as he approached him, Kuch shoved him away and ran off.
State troopers searched the area and found the man hiding in the attic of a nearby house.
Officers determined that the house belonged to the man's girlfriend and later learned that the dog, a black Labrador retriever, also belonged to the girlfriend. The dog had been dead for four or five days.
The official charge of crimes against nature carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. If the person is a repeat offender, the maximum is life in prison.
Americas lowest point - Still to come!
Oh! How I have grown lazy. Funny how when I'm at work there's so many things I think about needing to get done, started, or just completed - then when I'm off, like the last three days; seems nothing has gotten done. NOTE to self - Clean up your desk; thanks.
Feeling cold
the days are shortening and the winds brisk
my bones are chilling with the cold
and another year turns its face into the past
as we all grow another one older...
OUR - Campaign

My eldest, and best-good friend, TEHUTI is getting married! He and Victoria Rose were close friends a thousand years ago in my youth and it somehow only seems fitting that all these ages later they find themselves belonging to one another. Deepest hopes for the best of Blessings to them both. A Spring wedding is in the works.
9/11 5 Years Later
Making of the S'sainen
My work schedule changes back to "Patterns" come September 1st. What that means is, instead of working weekends, I will actually be able to have a weekend or two off; 3days on 1 off, 4days on and 2 off, and one weekend a month off.
Being a DM (Dungeon Master), or Game monitor is a lot more intense than I originally knew, I love it. A more experienced player has joined Our-Campaign, he's pertty impress from the onset with all the Props, maps, and web pages that I've designed to enhance our game. With a change in work schedule I wont have all that weekly time like I had before so I'm doing alot now.
In the World of THAY we have Avatars called "The S'sainen" who head a Secret Council geared toward ridding he world of its Evil. Here is a "Making Of" video I pieced together. Notice Tehuti?
A Pirate at 43

Hey, check out Our Campaign Site if ya haven't yet.
VIDEO: My Grand-Daughter
I'm so proud of my daughter, Elizabeth and my new son-in-law, James; struggle as they do, they are doing very well with Savannah. In a few months, another one will be on the way. Playing around with the Windows Movie Maker, and my little digital camera; here's
Here, we are in Game Play, meaning no distractions are allowed; everyone is to stay in "Character".
DM-ing is taken very serious during Game Play. We are the gods of the Campaign; if there are any deveations from the canon, then our word is gospel. We're not jerks, it's just the way it is; a standard has to be set and followed, even when Chaos, Magics, and the Impossible is the Order of the day. It's all in agreed upon fun! Several breaks, a meal enjoyed, and plenty of laughs to go around - wishing you were here!
Beating down upon our heads
the last rays till we're dead
the Sun burns bright then out
all our lives lived with shouts;Live and LearnDie and Forget it all...
laughter and love
pain or sorrow
all pleasures or defeat
beneath that Orb's glow
neath blue or thunderous clouds
life is what it is
something to be experienced...
Dungeons & Dragons

I have been quiet busy designing the City of Calah, Captial of the Empire. So far the city map is taking up 36 pages (aprox. 4'x5'), worth of details. I enjoy using some of my artistic abilities in drawing the maps, and crafting various props for our Campaign's game play; which enhances the imagination and realism for the players. We're homey kind of folks so this is about it on the Social Scale for us.


The "Moon Phase" pictures of her life, is something I am determind to keep up with as she grows older. For, seldom do pictures like these seem to surrive the passing years of our own lives. Few of us have such memories of our own early years. I am the Historian in our family, and this is just another aspect of keeping a record of our events.

Garza-Snow Wedding
Feandar and the Guard
Sexy Feet

I remember when my wife and I first started dating. We went to a local hotel's swimming pool with a group of our friends; while floating about I would playfully nibble on her toes - they're still yummy. . . uhmmm. I love Sexy Feet
Keeping an Eye Out

Commissioning the Movie

Savannah's A Year Old
A grandson. Neat.
April 17, 1982
We've weathered a few storms, seen a lot water under the bridge, had many cars, jobs, homes, and religions - but I've been very blessed that Alice has always remained by my side. She, more than anyone else has remained my greatest source of strength and encouragement. There have been many times, (that she's never even been aware of), where depression has edged me close to some very grim thoughts; but in the pools of her eyes I see the only proof I need of GOD, hope and unconditional love.
The Coming of a Slow NOVEL
The Nephilim are the central characters, and it only seems appropriate to keep their name in the header somewhere. The background setting for my novel is a blended cross between: Middle Earth, and the ancient Biblical World. The peoples are also a blend of Tolkien's work and Scripture, for both have influenced my personal thinking greatly.
My Nephilim are the Elves who remained behind in the Gray Havens of Middle Earth. They are the "Sons of God." Who, in their quest to repopulate and rule that ancient time, have fallen from their High Nobility. They have turned into greedy and lustful teachers of lesser men. With their appearance, in that pre-flood world, came an age of herindious chaos.
However, one of the desendants of the Nephilim, Feandar, learns of his true nature, and seeks to regain that nobility in his own personal life. He seemingly goes foolishly through life without a care. Such are the trials, and experiences of enduring life in an upside-down world filled with war, terrorist, pain and sorrow; sucide is only an easy course, and a hollow loss. Time and again various lessons are learned, til one day the maturity of finding true love awakens in him the desire to live, reguardless of the coming rains. Just as, in real life it seems, when we realize "what it's all about" we reach our ending years of mortal life. So too is it with Feandar, and the coming of the Flood.
Visit TIE-DYED Brain Rays for yourself...
BEST of Friends
Looking at me with a smirk he replyed,"It's Nimoy - Leonard Nimoy; No. You new here?..."
"Yeah." Thinking I was fixing to get the crap beat out of me, the Spock looking kid told me to join him on the bus. When I asked why there were so many dents in the celing above the driver I was told to just wait and watch. After the school bus was loaded and the chattering volume began to rise our elderly troll of a driver grabed a short handle stick, and proceeded beating the hell out of the top of the bus, yelling,"Chut-up! Chut-up!" At which you could hear a pin drop on the entire trip across town to my new Middle School.
Man, this kid was smart. He became my best friend. Through the years to come where ever you saw him, you saw me joined at the hip. My own brother was three years older, on a far different wave length; actually we never got along - always fought, and never found anything in common to agree on. This new kid - knew my thoughts even before I did.
(From my Junior High School Yearbook 1979-80)
Michael was a Star Trek fan, like I was. He was a Baptist, Pentacle-something or other; never really caught it. You see I was raised a Jehovah's Witness; you know, that "Thou Shall Not" kinda of religion. But the neat thing about it was - far as I could figure - we never had much to say about our religious backgrounds. Others stayed as far away from me as they could, or I them. But Michael accepted me for who I was, and didn't seem to care (or knew) that he was going to perish during Jehovah's Armageddon; and after awhile, I began to wonder why I didn't care either.
I seemed to be over Michael's house far more times than he was over to mine, for the most part it didn't bother me; being at his home was like being in a different world. His parents treated one another as though there was a real interest in each another, and their kids. Michael's brother was even cool; not as cool as him mind you.
Building on our interest of Star Trek, came our mutual love of art; drawing and crafting things with our hands. I think in some respect I've always had an edge over Michael when it came to art, but his imagination blew away the breath of any talent I had. I would spend an hour on a project that came out pertty good, while he would churn out masterpiece one after another.
During Junior High School, my religious focus waned even though my attendance continued at the Kingdom Hall; my life was about to change. The change for me came with the expantion of my circle of friends. There was Tony, a Boy Scout trooper who loved, and introduced me to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Paul, introduced me to Styx, and Battlestar Galactica. Lane Boyd, another artist who could do the Robot as well as me. Shannon - an "atheisit", but he loved Science-Fiction, so he was okay. And of course, there remained Michael. Those were the days, and the individuals who influenced me most in life - more than they will ever understand.
In Jr. High, our art teacher, a Mrs. Pat Dunn asked Michael and I to "paint" a picture for her. I believe it was on a masonite board. Our school looked like a prison with no windows, so we jumped on the oppertunity to give the 'ol Art Mum the view we saw of the world outside. Actually it somewhat resembled Middle Earth: with a great mountian (mine), in the background and a Hobbit tree (Michael's touch) in the foreground. It was fun working on the painting, but we were not the Brothers Hilebrant.
(Brownwood Bullentin Newspaper; page 10-A Sunday, September 21, 1980)
Through the years Michael and I were always a pair. An influence on one another more than even we realise now. He was the Best Man at my wedding, and I a pallbearer at his father's funeral. Yet, even over the long years, when we lost contact with one another as adults, Michael remained a driving inspiration of hope and imagination in my personal life.
Somehow, these many years later I was able to reconnet with my old friend; and have never regretted his presence in my life. Old, and dear friends like Tehuti don't come along that often, and when they do, too many times in this crazy world of ours we never seem to take enough time to thank them for the many contributions they have made in our lives. So, Thank you Michael for accepting me for who I was then, for being more of a brother than my own, and for being at my wedding when even my own father wasn't; "you have been and shall always remain my friend."
Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry


Illegal immigrant, like the rest of us, are only striving to seek out a better way of life. When I hear the argument that the citizen wont work for such-and-such wages - so let's hire the illegal immigrant; all I hear is an illegal act that victimizes another person, and drags the economic system down. It is just this slow, erroding away type of thinking that has brought us where we are today in America.
We need to secure the boarders the way we always have, not by fences and walls but by upholding the legal system that our immigrant forefathers founded, and our dying, patriotic fathers before us upheld. It wasn't considered racist then to protect the nation, and it isn't rascist now. It is sissy, and foolishly politicly correct to think that Homeland Security can be upheld by buring our heads in the sand, and not facing the issuses, or boarding ourself in against the facts. Treat the immigrant with the same humane respect you as a natural citizen deserve; their only right is that, and the Rule of Law. Don't like the rules? Then Vote otherwise.
Some Fellow Bloggers.....

Like setting back for an hour or so watching TV, I get a kick out of surfing the web via NEXT BLOG, you come across some rather interesting people in the world...
The Bear in New Jersey has a political slant going on and some great links to check. LynnCorney of Chaple Hill, NC. also has some really neat stuff to share; something about her writing makes ya want to tune in. Heidi Granada of Barcelona, Spain has some beautiful pictures; makes me want to be a world traveler for such. Steve in Austin, Texas has a good site, neat format; I like the picture of the baby with the ram horns! I like Lucy Quintanilla of Neptune, New Jersey's format; good flavor of the area, I'd like to see more pics though- makes me want to write more. Wendy C. of Arlington, Texas has a really nice "In-the-Life-of" blog going on. Dave, in Michigan has some neat tech items, and very sharp photos - I like the Sand Castle.
Still Questioning...

The day I bagan studing the 80 Questions for baptism, was when I began to have serious questions of my own. The Elders grew wary of my search for the TRUTH; a Truth beyond their doctrinal, cookie cut answers. One of the major things that began my journey of leaving was researching and questioning the Leaders of the Organization itself. Never ask questions. Don't think for yourself; or you will be in darkness, lost and apart from Jehovah's Servant.
Jehovah is the same yesterday and forever; the Watchtower leaders are ever changing, their Light always a different color. Why all the changing dates for Armageddon? Why the many changes in the Biblical Translations, to suit their doctrine of the day? Why? Why? Why - must I accept only what they say; when what they say is ever changing? So, I became a Southern Baptist; a Lay Minister for seven years - preaching Jesus is LORD. After 15 years, I began to question again; returning to many of the same JW questions that lay unsnawered.
Surfing the NET, purchasing many books and studying the Bible for myself I finally washed myself clear of JW-ian Shadow. However, I remained psychologically scared for life; skeptical of everything. One reoccuring theme that touched, and "haunted" me was how everything was Pagan related. So, I studied Paganism. Today I call myself a Pagan. I got a tattoo on my left arm of a Tripple Moon with a Pentagram and Hounds. My tattoo reminds me that you can never unring a bell. The misinformation, and out right lies of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the misiformation of Christianity is something I can not unlearn, unresearch, nor go back to "not knowing."


I know we'll pass. I know life will go on. It's just the time of the year, at work that everyone dreads most; the headachs of dealing with the Pro Staff running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Pretending it's just another day, as they reem you out about some minuet stupidity that has nothing to do with you, but something they themselves should have taken care of weeks before.
Come next week - same 'ol same, till Inspection next year...
Married and Moving on...
I love Elizabeth so very much, and it tearfully makes me proud at how much she truely does love James; she's matured SO much with the birth of Savannah. And now, now they've moved away. Oh, still in the same area; from three miles, to nine miles away. But - the cord is so difficut to let go and her love in her own way. The "empty nest" never had such a punch with meaning as it does now. I thought it was my wife, Alice who be the emotional one - but I guess it's not really hit either one of us yet that the Wheel of Time really does cause one to view the world differently with age. Not that forty-three is ancient mind you; just, never saw myself at forty-three wondering how if came so fast...
Will Trek for Food

Geesh! Some people need to get a life. Man, I'm glad no one knows I'm a Lord of the Rings, and Babylon 5 - kind of guy...

Being a big Star Trek fan; since a kid, I've always wanted a StarFleet Computer. I came across a freeware program: HOLONOTES, that enable you to create files: address directories, inventory your books, phone book - whatever you want.
Another one lets you re-program your computer into the LCARS Starfleet format; if you're a little more savy with codes.

Still plugging away at my novel, a little here and there. Reformating the links and adding texture to the story; updating the online version a little at a time as well. . .
Full Circle
Weirdly amazing, somehow.
It really does seem very difficult to imagine; only - wow, not too long along, I was getting married to my pregnant girlfriend, two months later I was holding our baby in my arms.
And now-
Now, I'm a grandfather holding my baby's baby; getting ready for a wedding...
I have never really had any ill feelings toward Elizabeth; I think its just that we're "too much alike," and how I imbued her with a certain brashness to be accepted-most of all to herself. Too hard? I have always been afraid. Afraid of the resopncibility, of being a "Dad",(Wow, the pedestal image of my own). But now looking back on it all I guess I did- I guess WE did alright.
Yeah. Elizabeth is pertty special. Atractive, smart, witty. I'm very proud of our daughter; the wheel truns us along toward another chapter in the story of our lives.
I remember when, it was now...
BEEN - Still, coughingly sick. . .
I feel... well, just - bad.
Don't fell like doing much. Nothing seems to be interesting; other than getting rid of the head conjestion so I can breath. Yeah, nothing seems to matter when ya can't breath. Tried all last Saturday, during my 16 hours at work, to get off and be sent home; only to be given one frustrating excuse after another about the "coverage" shortage. So I called in on Sunday. Went to work on Tuesday afternoon; got sent home for being sick. Yesterday (still sick mind you) I got "writen up" at work for not having a Dr.'s excuse for last weekend! Great! Not only do I feel like the bottom of a tired shose but get reemed out for missing time at work; I have 237 hours of sick leave but can't take it - go figure? F- State!
grrrr sigh.... I feel - bad.
maybe i'll erase this crappy post later...
STAR TREK Revived!

Retro TRIP
An old 1950s railroad car has been redone into a resturant - that actually serves rather good sandwiches. Across town a new Train Museum is underconstruction, that will be neat to revisit.
Though many things seem the same there are changes over taking the forest of Deadwood. Goggin Park, where we were married, is now undergoing a face lift; with all its playground equiptment removed. Several new Howard Payne University buildings have gone up. An underpass' overpass has been deconstructed. Various neighborhoods across town have fallen to neglect and disrepair, which is sad to see. Seeing my Dad again was nice. Because I work the weekends everyone else was at work, which freed up a lot of time to revisit the past. It was great visiting Tehuti, and Victoria Rose; who are both some of the neatest folks you could ever meet. Then, of course there was HOWARD.
Exploring the Adventurious Side, again

I've not played Dungeons & Dragons since the summer of 1981. A thousand years ago and someone elses memories it seems. I've always retained good memories of D&D, because it symbolized so much of my personal awaking. Many friends made then, have stayed with me through the years. Least of which continues my wife - of twenty-four years.
My brother-in-law happened to be my first Role Playing Guide; he and another Dungeon Master made our imagination of fantasy worlds come alive. Now, once again I find myself edging back into that world. Not returning to a stagnate memory, striving to relive the past that will never be, but sparking the interest of a new group of friends and creating new meories, and new personal bench marks for new players.
Let the Dice roll, and the Orc's blood pour!
Happy New Year
A lot like the old one; just differnt. . .

MUSIC: Soothing the Background Noise
If you are seeking some tunes, Bill Cushman's GHOST NOTES site is well worth the stop over!
SHARE the ExPerIeNcE

My Resolution for the New Year...

I don't usually go in for the New Year's Resolution bit, though this year I have set a few that I wish to follow through on.
One is to stop making excuses and follow through on things; and guard what "power words" I put out there. Another is to develop my writing skills. Foremost, is to follow through on writing to my brother in Indiana. Though we have never been close, and are in fact more oppisite than one could imagine I do want to develop a relationship that has been needing some attention for quiet some time. Excues for not doing so have come too easily in the past. The past is in fact, in the past. . .

- > A BOOK OF SCROLLS (an epic novel)
- > Ancestry TREE
- > BOOK: Mental States: A Poet's Journey
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- > INSURANCE:Liberty Mutual (Renter's)
- > Internet Movie Data Base
- > Michael T. Smith
- > MOVIE Trailers
- > Musings of A Poet
- > OFFICIAL WEB SITE for David DeLane Snow
- > Our History's Name
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